Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Overall Top Charts

noizatu's Profile Page

It's just so amazing how much R.E.M. I listen... isn't it?

And big news, I'm working with my brand new demo 2007! Unfortunaly, I need a peaceful place where I can write the lyrics and compose the music.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

pentru Jumbo

If you have got to blame somebody
Why not me?

Someone has to take the fault
Why not me?

Why not me?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Saturn Return

and Saturn is beckoning no one
is off on its own
is offering up

late shift convenience store
cut out the lights
telescope roof towards the
northwestern sky
you pull the ladder
no one's the wiser
you find your sights and discover

that Saturn is orbiting nothing
is off on its own
is breaking from home

harder to look yourself square in the eye
easy to take off

Sunday, December 03, 2006

She Just Wants To Be

"She Just Wants To Be"

It's not that she walked away
Her world got smaller
All the usual places
The same destinations
Only something's changed.

It's not that she wasn't rewarded
With pomegranate afternoons
And Mingus, Chet Baker and chess
It's not stampede and fortune
Of prim affectations
She's off on a riot
And she knows now
Is greater than the whole
Of the past
Is greater and now she knows

She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be.
She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be.

It's not that the transparency
Of her earlier incarnations
Now looked back on
Were rich and loaded
With beautiful vulnerability
But now she knows
Now is greater
And she knows that.

She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be
She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be.

Now is greater
Now is greater
And she knows that.

She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be.
She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be.

She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be.
She just wants to be somewhere
She just wants to be.

It's not like if angels
Could truly look down
Stir up the trappings
A light on the ground
Remind us of what, when, why or who
The how's up to us
Me and you
And now is greater than the whole
Of the past
Is greater and now she knows that.

Now she knows.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Fables Of The Reconstruction

........EU INAINTE SI DUPA FABLES OF THE RECONSTRUCTION......................................................................................................


piesele mele preferate: Feeling Gravitys Pull, Driver 8, Maps And Legends, Old Man Kensey, Cant Get There From Here.....

are deja o enorma influentza asupra mea.... un album la fel de tare in tonalitate poate doar UP mai e... mama ce bestial e si UP..

Abia acum ii intzeleg pe snobii REM care ziceau ca fables e cel mai tare......

Va rog, numai ascultati Fables si o sa vedetzi de ce erau capabili beietzii acum 20 de ani... FORMIDABIL... pe de alta parte trebuie sa ascultzi muuult REM ca sa invetzi sa apreciezi valoarea lui Fabulelor, ca altfel zici ca e kicks, daca nu tziai format gustul ALTERNATIV... si apoi normal ca unuia/uneia care asteapta numai pocnete si zdupa zdupuri basi zgomotosi lipsitzi de substantza. sau voci artificiale va fi dezamagit..... asta pentru ca REM inseamna LIBERTATE si CALITATE muzicala , SENSIBILITATE si DESCHIDERE catre lume, DIVERSITATE in melodie si viatza.

FEELING GRAVITYS este una din cele mai geniale melodii care le-am ascultat pana acum.. rifful ala e asa bestial..... Michael a facut o treaba superba cu melodia cool..... harmonicele alea sunt bestiale ...ah si Buck e un geniu si Mills... si Berry..
DRIVER 8 e o balada super clasica de o melodicitate extraordinara... un REM feeling deosebit, parca il vezi pe Michael cu palaria si cu mainile ridicate in aer...
OLD MAN KENSEY e poate cea mai ET melodie ... extraterestra adica, suna din alta galaxie... o consider una din piesele cele mai caratcteristice stilului INDIE REM.... si stilului pe care as vrea eu sa-l abordez... muzical si in viatza... u know "that's my folly"
MAPS AND LEGENDS, clasicul REM de drum cu microbuzul pe strazile Americii... este stampila calitatii de pe albumul acesta extraordinar, poate esenta a ce inseamna stilul acustic de indie.
CAN'T GET THERE FROM HERE... o alta piesa grea care surprinde stilul dupa care sunt atat de innebunit... de remarcat stilul vocal cu totul deosebit al lui Michael... :P
GOOD ADVICES & AUCTIONEER , 2 melodii absolut superbe... merita ascultate..

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Monster's Green Skin

This is my mistake
Let me make it good

I raised a wall
And I will be the one to knock it down

World Leader Pretend ... is it possible something more beautiful? Maybe At My Most Beautiful but that's another story... This is the song that I would like to hear the one I love(d) in my highschool's wild and crazy years, after At My Most Beautiful. And Turn You Inside Out. And I'll Take The Rain. And Country Feedback ... oh, boy and ...and Fall One Me and So Fast, So Numb and I TOOK YOUR NAME (oh, yeah, that's a good one), I Don't Sleep, I Dream.

Overall, I think Monster is the most electric and moving R.E.M. record because it is so revolutionary and directly adressed. For me it was, and it is, even now, absolutely shocking. Monster was the the album that "convinced" me to buy an electric guitar to play that songs and to make "my own kind of music". And an acoustic guitar too! ;)

You know

I'm not your magazine

I'm not your movie screen

I'm not your television

The songs that I like most on Monster now are: Crush With Eyeliner, I Took Your Name, King Of Comedy, Kenneth, You, Circus Envy, and Strange Currencies. These are such an enormous influence for me!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

My Ubuntu Movement

Well, I made a very important decision 2 weeks ago. I kicked off Windows and installed Ubuntu on my beautiful and extraordinary Bioproject machine (a poor fuckin AMD Sempron 2600 "+"!)
And it looks good. It feels good. I'm quite happy sometimes, though the games aren't the best part of what makes Ubuntu such a wonderful choice for a desktop user nowadays. Actually it is a lack of support for a guy who don't know weird shit like programming, bash shell commands, and it's certainly sure that Linux is made by & for geeks. I think I may say that I have had problems with my:

1. videocard
2. soundcard
3. webcam
4. AntiVirus
5. guitar tuner
6. 2nd hard-disk (!)

The only things that I regret are: my infrared software for my (very old now) Sony Ericsson k300i and a very cool game - Rise Of Legends. Ubuntu has a lot of applications, BUT many of them are really spartan, not-so-user-friendly (VLC media player is a good example). I have spent many, maaany hours trying to find solutions for the Logitech x-530 (5.1), and for the settings of my videocard.

Overall, I think that Linux is a very good choice for people who are interested to learn every day something new about computers. Really, you have to spend hours to search Google if you want to know the solutions for why you can't do with Ubuntu something you would have made with Windows. I can only say for me: "I'm not commodity!!!" (probably a lie)