Monday, November 24, 2008


nu pot sa ma abtzin sa nu postez ceva despre MORRISSEY... cemai, in calitate de neofit, declar oficial ca am fost facut KO de last of the famous international playboys & everyday is like sunday/ irish blood, english heart / suedehead / first of the gang to die / si altele...

relatia dintre mine si muzica lui morrissey este una speciala... de prima data cand am auzit o piesa de morrissey, am zis that's my style, si l-am salvat in playlist, parca pe LastFm. dupa ce am auzit everyday is like sunday, recent, m-am gandit ca merita sa aud ce a mai scris, si in cateva ore am devenit addicted. as putea asculta incontinuu, ceea ce nu mi s-a mai intamplat cu nici un artist (cu exceptzia REM, desigur).

ce imi place la morrisey: 1. are niste linii melodice sooperbe, 2. are o voce ..just wow, adica o tehnica de a canta absolut extraordinara, un timbru superb, se simte ca e un adevarat artist, care prin voce exprima totul... 3. great karisma & e un un baiat de "gasca" (morrissey uraste rappul, dar ma refeream la altceva) care are un stil mai obraznic si mai extravagant decat stipe, dar i se potriveste bine :P/

din cauza lui morrissey am inceput sa ascult the smiths, pulp si alte trupe englezesti din '70-'80
se pare ca ma regasesc mai mult in acestea decat in rockul (alternativ) contemporan. Am sa fac in curand o comparatie smiths - REM - husker du, care sunt dealtfel formatziile mele preferate.
ar fi misto si morrissey - bob mould, ambii cu cariere solo de succes.

la final o poza cu cei dumnezei ai mei (deacumas 2!!) si inca impreuna (in sfanta dualitate MOZSTIPE):..........................................................////

Sunday, November 09, 2008


C Dm
That's when Wendell Gee takes a tug
G G7 Em G
Upon the string that held the line of trees
C Dm
Behind the house he lived in
G G7
He was reared to give respect
Em G F
But somewhere down the line he chose
C Em F
To whistle as the wind blows
Whistle as the wind blows, with me

{same as before}
He had a dream one night
That the tree had lost its middle
So he built a trunk of chicken wire
To try to hold it up
But the wire, the wire turned to lizard skin
And when he climbed inside

F C Em F
There wasn't even time to say
Goodbye to Wendell Gee
C Em F
So whistle as the wind blows
C G C (second time through, play F)
Whistle as the wind blows, with me

C Em F
If the wind were colors
And if the air could speak
C Em F
Then whistle as the wind blows
Whistle as the wind blows

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ploaia (versiune noua)

nimeni nu stie ce a fost de la inceput
nimeni nu stie ce-o sa fie de acum

ploaia din cer te aduce inapoi
la povestea noastra
ploaia din cer te aduce inapoi
la povestea noastra

pasii tai grabiti spre vesnicie
au lasat in urma-un vis din sufletul tau.

 ploaia din cer te aduce inapoi
la povestea noastra
ploaia din cer te aduce inapoi
la povestea noastra

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I am a magister now!!! WOW!

Am reusit sa ocup un loc fara taxa la Masterul European de Educatie a Adultilor!

View my page on EMAE

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Good Advices

Now playing: R.E.M. - Good Advices

When you greet a stranger look at his shoes
Keep your money in your shoes put your trouble behind
When you greet a stranger look at her hands
Keep your money in your hands put your travel behind
Who are you going to call for, what do you have to say
Keep your hat on your head home is a long way away At the end of the day, I'll forget your name I'd like it here if I could leave and see you from a long way away

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Sitting Still

una din melodiile care ma obsedeaza acuma, cu usurinta in my top 5 overall.
una din cele mai frumoase melodii care le stiu. GOD!
versiunea hib-tone de pe and i feel fine.

up to buy katie buys a kitchen size but not mae ann
setting trap for love making a waste of time sitting still

Sunday, February 24, 2008